Handweaver’s Pattern Book

"Houndstooth Nirvana"
Nirvana Prints at Durham Press , inspiration for "Houdstooth Nirvana"

ESPRIT DIOR- Miss Dior Exhibition, Galerie Courbe du Grand Palais, Paris France November 13 – November 25, 2013; traveled to Shanghai Sculpture Art Space June 22 – July 22, 2014 and Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing
April 30th – May 31st, 2015

Color Stations, lumber room, Portland, OR, March 16 – April 2, 2014

Tony & Polly, Polly Apfelbaum and Tony Feher, lumber room, Portland, OR March 16 – April 27, 2014

A Handweaver’s Pattern Book, Clifton Benevento, New York, NY, May 31 – August , 2014

Glow in the dark "Feelies"

Electric Zinnia Factory: Polly Apfelbaum, Stephan Westfall, Kunstgalerie Bonn, Bonn, Germany June 6 – July 11, 2014

Detail of "Fine Flowers in the Valley"
"Splendor in the Grass"
"Blow Up"
"Fine Flowers in the Valley"

Nevermind: Work from the 90’s, Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, October 8 – March 1, 2014

Color Sessions, Frith Street Gallery, London, England, November 6th – December 20, 2014